Kartu Tarot | The Crystal Spirits Oracle | Oracle


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Kartu Tarot | The Crystal Spirits Oracle | Oracle

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:: ORIGINAL 100% ::

Do you love crystals? Since the beginning of time ancient healers, medicine men and women, and shamans have highly valued crystals for a reason. Across continents and cultures, many legends about the healing powers of crystals have endured. Connecting with the crystals in this oracle deck is like communicating with beings of light, frequency, and energy; with different personalities who have opinions, ideas, wisdom, and special gifts to offer us. Each stone comes bearing its own message, offering us the power to align with its consciousness to co-create a meaningful, abundant life of healing and evolution. With guidance from intuitive master and oracle expert Colette Baron-Reid, you can work with the Crystal Spirits Oracle to illuminate the way to your highest good.

Format Cards | 264 pages
Dimensions 100 x 130 x 52mm | 480g
Buy at Dunia Fengshui

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Weight300 g


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